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No matter which social media platform you use, it’s important to have some understanding of the analytics available. That’s because analytics provide insights into how well your social media posts are performing.

For businesses, this information is essential for determining whether or not their social media campaigns are effective. And for those working with influencers, analytics can help measure the reach and impact of those campaigns. Social media analytics are an essential part of any social media campaign. Without them, it’s difficult to know whether your posts are reaching your target audience and whether you are achieving your desired results.

Fortunately, all of the major social networks now offer some form of social media analytics tools. Depending on your network of choice, you will discover useful and relevant analytical information.

In this article, we’ll explain the concept of social media analytics, discuss four (4) of our favorite different social media analytics tools available in today’s digital world, and what they can tell you about your social media posts.

What Is Social Media Analytics

Social media analytics involves gathering, collecting, and processing data from social media channels. Businesses can use them to make informed and effective decisions, and determine the success of actions based on social media engagement.

  • The data includes things like:

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or another network?

No matter which network you use, you need to know how well your posts perform. This is particularly so for businesses who want to find some form of ROI for their social media activity. Similarly, firms working with influencers need to have some way of knowing the effectiveness of their influencer campaigns.

All of the major social networks now offer some form of social media analytics tools. Depending on your network of choice, you will discover useful and relevant analytical information. In this article, we will take a look at the five most popular social networks and their respective analytics tools.

  • How many people have been to your website
  • The number of people who have seen your post
  • The number of people who have engaged with your post (liked, shared, commented, etc.)
  • The demographics of your audience (age, gender, location, etc.

What Do These Statistics Tell You?

For starters, the number of people who have engaged with your post provides a clear indication of how well your content is resonating with your audience. So if you post a video of a cat waving at the camera, you’d expect to see a lot of engagement.

In fact, some social media analytics tools will even help you measure the engagement level of your audience. So for example, you may discover that the majority of your audience are male, well-educated, and aged between 18 and 34.

The demographic information is also useful for marketing purposes. For example, if you know that the majority of people who are engaging with your content are male, then you can adjust your marketing messages to appeal to the male demographic.

Social Media Analytic Tools

Analytic Tools

1. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social media management and monitoring tool that offers comprehensive social listening tools for business professionals. You can perform a contextual analysis of the topics, hashtags, and keywords from the social media content, to understand how it is performing. It also provides a call-to-action tool for you to drive more traffic to your website.

2. Ubersuggest

This is a search engine optimization tool that measures the performance of your social media posts. As well as helping you determine which type of posts work best in the social media environment, it also tells the activities on your social media.

3. Google Analytics

Analytic Tools

Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications. The analytics tool is free and there are various ways of having it integrated with your website, such as using the Google Tag Manager. You can also integrate Google Analytics with your social networking sites.

4. HootSuite

HootSuite allows you to manage and monitor all of your social media accounts in one place. You can schedule posts, monitor comments, analyse the performance of your posts and even engage with your followers. The tool offers a free version and a premium version for those who have a budget.


So there you have it. Five of the best social media analytics tools in 2022. Now you know which analytics tool is best for you.

Do you use any of these tools to help analyse your social media performance? If not then you can start with these few analytic tools we’ve mentioned above. Do subscribe today for more useful tips to grow your business and contact us today for futher assistance.


Author ipromoterz

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